and her birth is my favorite to tell :).
So Lydia was nine days late! We were expecting her on, before or only shortly after July 29th. The morning I went into labor was August 7th. It was a beautiful morning, around 10:30 am. I was actually sitting at the table coloring with Abby and Daniel. I had had a wonderful night's sleep, a good breakfast and a relaxing day.... and it was Friday! As I sat there at the table, I begin to notice that I had had a few contractions in a row. So I thought... well, I'll go to the bathroom and see what's up. On the way to the bathroom I had a little harder contraction, so after I came out of the bathroom I thought I'd sit in the recliner for a while and time any regular contractions I was having. Well, it was only a couple of minutes later when GUSH! My water broke! Luckily, I had put some protection on while in the bathroom. :) My mom was with me so I told her what was happening and we called my midwife, Thalia, and Joseph and my mother-in-law, Mindy. I tried to stay put and time my contractions, but I couldn't! I kept getting up to help mom with stuff. I was getting things picked up and getting the bed ready, making sure my birth supplies were accessible.
After about ten or fifteen minutes I said to myself "ok. I better sit down and time these contractions.... I have no idea how far apart they are or how long they are." So I sat down and timed: contractions about 5min apart. Ok. Nice. So then Joseph gets there followed by my mother-in-law. Around 11:30-11:45 or so (two years later the timeline gets fuzzy :) ) the contractions are already getting harder. My midwife gets there at around noon or shortly after and checks me..... I'm a seven! So I decide to stay in bed. Only a few minutes later I'm surprised by the urge to push! So I start pushing.... and a few contractions (and big pushes) later we have a 10lb 5oz baby girl! The whole labor was a whopping 2 hours long!
I don't know why in particular, but I felt so great afterward. It seemed like with Abby and Daniel's births that I was so wiped out after them.... but this was different. I had so much energy! Of course, I couldn't do anything with it. haha. I had no tears at all this time so no stitches. It was all in all just an amazing experience. It was my first birth at home, and I would recommend it to anyone!
After Lydia I just felt so blessed. I had a short, comparatively easy, uncomplicated birth. And I had this big, fat sweetie! I also thought she was my last. So I really savored those first hours and days. :) Little did I know that Jesus had another plan.... a little Mary. But I'll save her story for later.
Happy Birthday to my sweet Lydia. I can't believe it's been two years! And she is such a joy! Praise Jesus for children and all the love and mess and stress and joy they bring into life!!!!