Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Abby's Birth Story

I figured that, since this is Abby's birthday, I would post her birth story. So here it is :)

Abby's due date was April 23rd, 2006. The sonogram had shown April 14th, and so, like most first-time moms, I fixated on the earlier one :). At 36 weeks I was dialated to a 2! I was soooo excited. Week 37.... week 38..... week 39.... all passed. Nothing. April 14th came and went. Nothing. That next week I went to the midwife, and I was dialated to almost 4 cm and was 90% effaced! That was a Tuesday. The week progressed on, and finally on Friday, April 21st, at 3pm my water broke. Of course, I didn't realize that's what had happened. I felt a little pop... but I was lying down resting and was so used to little aches and kicks that I didn't really notice it so much. At 3:15 I had a hard contraction and that got me thinking. I sat up and gush! So I waddled to the bathroom (not a far trek in our tiny apartment) and called Joseph and my midwife. The midwife told me to sit tight and wait until my contractions had been five minutes apart for one hour. Well, I didn't have another contraction for 45 minutes! But at 4pm, when the contractions did start, they started hot and heavy. From 4 to 5pm I had contractions 5 minutes apart. They weren't too painful but they were strong and getting stronger.

We arrived at the birth center at 5:30pm. The midwife checked me and I was already at a 6. So I parked it in a glider rocker and started rocking. The contractions were stronger and more painful. I focused on each one.... as one would start I would consciously relax every muscle in my body. It was like surrender. Every contraction I surrendered my body to the pain.... and I prayed. I know that sounds super-spiritual... but I didn't go into labor planning to pray during every contraction. It just sort of happened. I would pray softly "Your grace is sufficient for me. Your power is perfect in my weakness." I knew labor was a process that I could not control. So I gave control completely to Christ. I knew I was not capable of birthing a child in my own strength. So I embraced my weakness and leaned on Him. It was amazing.

So 8:15pm or so comes around and the midwife checks me again.... almost a 10! She asks if I feel like I need to push. I say that I don't think so. But this is my first time around, so I'm not sure I'd know what that feels like. She had me sit on the birthing ball.... then finally on the toilet. It was then that I felt it. For me, it was the same sensation as vomiting.... except no nausea and lower down. :) But it was that same involuntary spasm. And it felt good. I would have a contraction and that pushing urge.... as I pushed with it felt like a release. And the pain was gone as long as I was pushing. Now, I'm not gonna lie, pushing was hard work, but not painful. So I pushed for a while. The midwife was noticing that she could see the head, and I would make progress during a push. But when I stopped pushing, the head would retreat backward. So she had me squat. Yes, I was up on the bed squatting with my husband behind me holding me up and my mom and the midwife holding each arm. That's when the pushing got serious. As Abby came closer to crowning I could feel that ring of fire. And when she was finally born in one big push, it was intense, sharp pain for only a few seconds. Then she was here at 9:30pm.

No one really caught her. She pretty much landed on the bed. I layed back and they put her on my stomach. Her umbilical cord was kind of short, so I couldn't get her too close to my face. But, man, that was a crazy moment. You look down and there is this tiny, wet, wiggly creature laying on your stomach. And you absolutely adore it!

Once the placenta was born Joseph cut the cord. I nursed her a bit. They did all the measurements, etc. I had to have five stitches for a minor tear. Then Abby and I got to take an herb bath together. Joseph was in the bathroom with us. It was the sweetest moment.

Through this labor I learned a lot about trusting Jesus. I learned about letting go. I also learned about pain.... about what it means to suffer, to sacrifice and experience pain for the sake of someone else's life. I know now what the scripture means when it says that women will be saved through childbirth. It's not that our salvation comes through having children. But it's that He gives us a small glimpse of what He did for us in salvation. He suffered. He sacrificed his body to give us life. I feel like I have a small part of that in me now. And I praise Him for giving me a chance to be a part of the work He does.

1 comment:

  1. Its 4am and I'm sitting here nursing Colton, crying! So sweet!
