So this morning I read an article that talked about how frustrating it can be to be constantly told by older women to "make the most of your time with your kids..... because it goes by so fast." Here's an excerpt:
"Everywhere I go, someone is telling me to seize the moment, raise my awareness, be happy, enjoy everysecond, etc, etc, etc.
I know that this message is right and good. But, I have finally allowed myself to admit that it just doesn't work for me. It bugs me. This CARPE DIEM message makes me paranoid and panicky. Especially during this phase of my life - while I'm raising young kids. Being told, in a million different ways to CARPE DIEM makes me worry that if I'm not in a constant state of intense gratitude and ecstasy, I'm doing something wrong." You can find this article here.This article made me kind of sad. I mean, I get what she's saying..... it's hard to enjoy kiddos when they're driving you mad (which seems to be all the time these days. haha!) But what makes me sad is the lack of Christ. I mean... she may not even be a follower of Christ... but the thing that makes me able to enjoy (almost) every moment... or at least strive to enjoy it..... is that it's not about the kids. This whole thing isn't about's about Him. The more I realize that He is interested in every second of my day.... that He loves detail and He wants me to see Him in every detail..... that makes living in the moment (even in the unpleasant ones) a little better... not necessarily easier.... but just better.
One of our big problems is that we are a goal-oriented, results-driven society. And our churches and Christian homes are no exception. We want results we can see. At church it's "how may people came to Sunday School?" or "How many people do you have regularly attending?" And if you don't reach some magic number decided by who knows who, you MUST be doing something wrong. And in our families it's even harder..... because we can judge results right away. I mean... we might be able to get our 2-year-old to eat her broccoli (which is a small victory in it's own way) but we can't ensure at 3 that they're gonna be "good people" (whatever that means) at 21. And so we read books and we try this method and that method..... and at the end of the day we still fear it wasn't enough. What we have to come back to is this Truth: God is in control. Read it again.... over and over. The amazing thing is.... as followers of Christ we have access to Him! We can talk to Him... hear His heart.... know His will. He who knows the Beginning, Middle and End is available to us in the most intimate of relationships (if we're willing to lay ourselves down.) We have to realize that, as we parent our children, we can seek Him for every thing. When we're already late and the keys are nowhere to be found and the boys are fighting over a car and they fall over the baby and the oldest is complaining about something..... those are not Godless moments.... He is in the middle. He is calling out. I just have to tap in.... I have to stop looking for the keys, pick up the baby, walk into the other room away from the fighting and complaining and pray "Lord, there is nothing of eternal consequence here.... except for my children." If I don't find my keys and I don't get to the store or whatever appointment I had, so what. I'm sure we can find something for dinner.... and whoever was depending on me isn't going to hate me. I can praise Him.... I can be at peace..... I can create peace for my kids (Can you tell I'm writing to myself? Hehe). I'm not perfect at this..... not by a long shot.... but I'm striving every day..... I do want to trust Him..... be free of expectations and just obey Him and only Him.
I feel as if I have already seen a generation of kids grow up. The youngest of my sister's kids will be 17 in a few days. I babysat him when he was 3 months old! I held those babies and rocked them and layed down to nap with them and changed their diapers and made them lunch and dealt with all the insanity of young children (9-5 every weekday one summer!). And so now.... they're grown.... and I have my own babies. And I just want to pause every second. Even the crazy seconds..... and remembering in those crazy seconds that my nieces are of child-bearing age makes me stop and say "this craziness is brought to you by Jesus..... the Author and Perfecter of your faith.... And this is the process of perfecting that faith." I love that song by Francesca Battistelli where she says "This is the stuff/ that drives me crazy/ It may not be what I would choose/ But this is the stuff You use." It sounds simple and almost cliche...... but when you sit down and think about it.... it's profound. He is using every single part of my day to teach me and love me and show me more. Or He's using me for something He's doing... maybe it's not about me (gasp!!!). :)
In the end, I love Jesus and He loves me. He loves my children and He's a better parent than I will ever be. And I can pray, I can trust Him. And when I screw up, He provides grace..... overabundant grace! So, if you're a Mommy of little ones.... or even big ones.... or middle ones..... you are under His love and grace. Take a deep breath and truly seize the moment..... not the moment of parenting..... the moment of Christ. Don't seize the day.....seize the Lord! Grab on and don't let go!
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