Just today I posted to our Leadership Team at the BSM some things God had been showing me these past few days about stepping out in faith. I realized, as I've continued to mull over it, that these aren't just words for a team of college students looking to make an impact on their campus and world, but for all of us who are fighting this good fight... not against people but against the darkness that wreaks havoc on Believers and Not-Yet-Believers alike. We all need encouragement right now, especially in the face of current domestic and international events. Here's my heart right now.
It all started with me reading Philippians 1:27-28 that says "..stand firm in one Spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you." There were actual people opposing these early Christians as they proclaimed the gospel, but Paul had another meaning there as well. This is clear from what he writes in Ephesians 6:12 that "our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil in heavenly realms." Paul understood who the real enemy was. We often don't, however, know our real enemy. The real enemies aren't people. People can only do so much. The real enemy is so much more dangerous. He knows your weaknesses... he knows what makes you freak out. The real enemy knows what can make you sink.
Peter was in a boat once on a rough sea. Jesus, like a ghost, came out to meet them walking across the water. Peter, knowing ahead of time that the waves were high and the wind was fierce, called out to Jesus... "If it's really you, call me out onto the water." Jesus calls him out... out of the safe boat. That safe boat that, while Peter was in it, he was brave and bold, but when he left it's safety and sturdiness, the waves became real. He saw that Jesus wasn't going to calm the sea this time, but He was going to allow Peter to be in the waves and wind just as they were. And he got distracted. He became afraid. He began to sink. Familiar story probably, but so real, so relateable. Peter, like us oftentimes, was passionate and ready to go wherever Jesus called. But, also like us, he was afraid. We have no reason to fear, though! That is what Jesus is telling us through Peter's story and through Paul's words. We actually don't have to be brave, we don't have to be strong. "For it is God who works in you to will and to act." Philippians 2:13 and "perfect love drives out fear." 1 John 4:18. See? God is calling you out. He wants, not needs, but wants to have you be a part of His big story. He has beautiful things for you. But with every calling, there are the waves. Satan seizes upon these moments of trial and suffering, these waves, and lies to us. He says that we can't do it, that it's too hard. Or he says that we've heard God wrong. His best lie is that the trial is his own creation and must be prayed away. So often we stop pursuing God and start pursuing comfort and ease. Because why would God call us then let the waves come? Because He's the Master of the waves. If He can still them, He can cause you to walk through them in peace and without fear. There is tremendous closeness to Him and a testimony to the darkness when a Believer endures great hardship and continues to seek God's face. And the absolute best part is that He gives us the strength. We don't have to be brave or bold, just faithful. Just ready. And we have to choose love over fear. We don't have to come up with the love that drives out fear, He gives it. But we have to let fear be driven away... we can't hang onto it. So, friend, let go of fear. Breathe in His power and get ready for the waves. When they come keep a steady eye on the Horizon.
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